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Welcome to my website for my zine Hello! Here you will find where you can order my zines paper copies, extra stories, interviews, videos of encounters, and more facts and legends about the creatures themselves! If you have any questions, comments, stories, or concerns, please go to the "Contact" page and email me from there! Happy hunting!

My Mission

I am showing the world that there can be monsters in its closet. I am proving that there are other creatures-other beings out there that we need to be aware of. I am bringing unheard of stories and legends front-and-center for the whole world to see. In my zine, Hello, I tell the run-ins and experiences that people have had with these mythical creatures in their lives. I am proving that we are not alone on this earth, in this universe, or even in this plane of realities, and that there are secrets out there that need to be known because we are all living on this earth together. And why live separately when together is more powerful?

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